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It's worth noting that the basic findings of their paper still hold. It's just the debt threshold has been raised.
Anti-austerians have piled on. But BlackRock's
"While Reinhart and Rogoff have publicly admitted mistakes in their methodology, their paper’s basic conclusion still holds: Excessive government debt is likely to be an impediment to a country’s growth," he argues.
In a new post on BlackRock's iShares blog, Koesterich notes that the U.S. continues to be in Reinhart and Rogoff's danger zone, which means debt is so high that growth will take a hit.
And all of this is bad news for corporate profits and stocks.
"A 1% drop in economic growth would have enormous implications for US corporate earnings," warned Koesterich. "In fact, top-line corporate growth is largely a function of economic growth."
"[I]n a world in which developed market debt now averages roughly 100% of developed country GDP, both policy makers and investors ignore Reinhart and Rogoff’s paper at their own peril."
Read more at iSharesBlog.com.