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Bill Clinton Has Officially Taken Control Of His Twitter Account

Apr 25, 2013, 18:06 IST

Bill Clinton has officially taken control of a Twitter account that was created for him by Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert earlier this month.


He made the announcement Wednesday night via video on The Colbert Report.

Clinton's first official tweet was a response to Colbert, who tweeted at him on his show to ask why he hadn't been tweeting more.

Clinton responded with this:

Five minutes later, he sent out a tweet confirming he had taken command of his account:


Clinton did change his handle from @PrezBillyJeff — the one Colbert gave him — to @billclinton.

"I've been planning to launch my Twitter page for quite a while," Clinton told Colbert, "but now that you've primed the pump, I'm really ready to go."

Watch the clip below, via Comedy Central:

The Colbert Report
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