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Best refrigerators in India

Apr 26, 2021, 18:42 IST
Business Insider India

Haier 195 L 4 Star Direct-Cool Single-Door Refrigerator

The Hair 195L is a single door refrigerator that comes with a four-star energy efficiency rating. It has a capacity of 195-litres and a freezer capacity of 19-litres. It can run without a stabilizer and comes with 1-hour icing technology that enables faster ice formation. It is equipped with an antifungal gasket, a large vegetable box and toughened glass shelves. It features a compact and minimalistic design and is built using steel. It uses toughened glass for shelves.

Samsung 198 L Single Door Refrigerator

The Samsung 198 L single door refrigerator offers a capacity of 198-litres and is equipped with a digital inverter technology that can adjust the compressor speed in response to the cooling demand. It comes with toughened glass shelves that can withstand up to 175 kg of weight. It comes with a base stand drawer that allows you to store items that do not require cooling. It comes with a five star energy efficiency rating, ensuring your electricity bill does not burn a hole in your pocket.

Whirlpool 190 L 3 Star Direct-Cool Single Door Refrigerator

The Whirlpool 190L refrigerator comes with a storage capacity of 190-litres including a freezer capacity of 14.3-litres. It uses the company’s Advanced Insulated Capillary technology that allows it to retain cooling for up to 9 hours during power outages. It is equipped with an anti-bacterial gasket and offers ample storage for food and vegetables. It is a good option if you are living in an area affected by power cuts.

Godrej 190 L 5 Star Inverter Direct-Cool Single Door Refrigerator

The Godrej 190L is an energy efficient refrigerator and comes with a five-star energy efficiency rating. The inverter technology enables it to change the compressor speed to adjust the cooling as per the requirement. It has a capacity of 190-litres including a freezer capacity of 19-litres. It is highly energy efficient and has an annual energy consumption of 104 kWh.

LG 190 L 4 Star Direct Cool Single Door Refrigerator

The LG 190 L single door refrigerator offers a capacity of 190-litres and comes with a smart inverter compressor that offers a silent and stabilizer free operation. It comes with a lattice-type box cover which helps in maintaining optimum moisture level. It comes with toughened glass shelves that can withstand up to 175 kg of weight. It comes with an anti-bacterial gasket that keeps the food healthy and hygienic for longer periods.

Samsung 198 L 4 Star Inverter Direct Cool Single Door Refrigerator

The Samsung 198L is a single door refrigerator and comes with a four-star energy rating. It has a capacity of 198-litres with a freezer capacity of 24-litres. It features digital inverter technology that can adjust the compressor speed automatically across seven cooling levels. It can run on an inverter as well as solar power and offer 15-day freshness for vegetables. It comes with a premium design with a safety gasket, deep door guards to store milk and other drinks and toughened glass shelves.

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