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Best Buy Is Knocking $50 Off All iPad Airs

Jan 24, 2014, 01:00 IST


If you've been looking for any little excuse to buy a new iPad, you now have it: Best Buy is taking $50 off every price point for the iPad Air sold this Saturday and Sunday, we learn via CNET.


Furthermore, Best Buy is also knocking $30 off every iPad Mini and $50 and $100 off the 16GB and 32GB iPhone 5C, respectively. (That includes the usual two-year contract.)

As an added bonus, CNET writes that "Best Buy customers can score at least a $10 gift card by trading in virtually any electronic device, including digital cameras, digital camcorders, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, gaming consoles, and MP3 players. Certain tablets, phones, and gaming systems can qualify for at least a $75 gift card."

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