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Beautiful And Deadly: Meet The Women Warfighters Of Israel

Beautiful And Deadly: Meet The Women Warfighters Of Israel

When Cpl. "S." came upon Cpl. Netanel Yahalomi, she knew he was finished.

"I ran under fire until I reached Netanel, but when I saw his condition, I told my commander there was nothing we could do to save him and we must move on,” she said.

Cpl. "S.," who's identity is anonymous for security purposes, and her unit closed with the enemy.

Shots were exchanged. Two terrorists lay dead.

From a distance of at least 100 meters, Cpl. "S." and fellow soldiers had dispatched the enemy. Later she'd get an award for her heroism, but she maintains the shot was pretty easy for her. She said what they all say: she was just doing her job.

That job: Infantry Sniper.

While America prepares to let women into combat roles for the first time, Israel has been doing it for years, and it seems to be working.


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