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Barack Obama Got Heckled In Israel, And He Handled It Spectacularly

Mar 21, 2013, 20:43 IST

President Barack Obama was loudly interrupted by hecklers during a speech in Jerusalem Thursday, causing a tense moment during what was otherwise a well-received address.


About 15 minutes into the speech, a man standing to Obama's left began shouting in Hebrew. According to the White House pool report, he was yelling about imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard.

After a tense pause, Obama recovered, and played it off beautifully:

“This is part of the lively debate that we talked about,” he joked. Then, as the crowd rose to their feet in a standing ovation, he added: "I have to say we actually arranged for that because it made me feel at home. I wouldn’t feel comfortable if I didn’t have at least one heckler.”

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