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Award-Winning Images Of Some Of The Smallest Things On Earth

Award-Winning Images Of Some Of The Smallest Things On Earth
LifeScience1 min read

Miss Dorit Hockman, of the University of Cambridge in the U.K. took this image of a veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus), embryo  that has been stained to highlight the cartilage (blue) and bone (red). The rest of the tissues have been made clear

Miss Dorit Hockman

Nikon has just announced the winners of its Small World Photography contest.

These images are of things in the regular world around us, but magnified up to hundreds of times.

Wim van Egmond of The Netherlands won first prize for his image of a marine diatom, a type of algae that lives in the ocean.

"I approach micrographs as if they are portraits. The same way you look at a person and try to capture their personality, I observe an organism and try to capture it as honestly and realistically as possible," said Egmond of his winning image. "At the same time, this image is about form, rhythm and composition. The positioning of the helix, the directions of the bristles, the subdued colors and contrast all bring together a balance that is both dynamic and tranquil."

We've also included a few honorable mentions and images of distinction from the winners.

