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At Least Somebody Loves Jamie Dimon Right Now

Nov 1, 2013, 18:33 IST

REUTERS/ Larry DowningJP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon has been getting jabbed right and left in the press (rightly or wrongly) and was relegated to the uncool table at the White House, where he was once very "in".


But at least there's one place where he's still loved, and that's London... Politico's Ben White reports:

A little birdie tells us while things are not so friendly for him in the U.S. right now, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon "got a warm embrace from UK leaders" during a recent visit. Dimon was in London for a series of JPM events, anchored by their CEO Forum and Global Cities Initiative (GCI) … Boris Johnson, Mayor of London spoke to the GCI dinner, "extolling the virtues of the finance sector, JPMorgan's presence in the UK, and its positive impact on job creation in other parts of the country, particularly in Bournemouth." Johnson's big joke: "The US gave us JPMorgan, we gave you Piers Morgan, and the UK got the better deal.'

With JP Morgan's $13 billion settlement with the Justice Department over the bank's pre crisis dealings in the mortgage market in danger of falling apart, Dimon definitely needs his friends.

So this is nice.


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