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At Least 10 Are Dead After A Second Deadly Blast In The Russian City Of Volgograd

Dec 30, 2013, 11:46 IST

At least 10 people have been killed in an explosion on a trolleybus in the Russian city of Volgograd, possibly the second such act of terror in the city in two days.


According to Interfax News Agency (via Reuters), federal investigators are treating the incident as an act of terror. It comes less than 24 hours after at least 17 people, according to Reuters, were killed after a suicide bomber struck at the city's main railway station.

It also comes just weeks before the Russian city of Sochi is set to host the 2014 Winter Olympics, something that will undoubtedly heighten fears of more attacks ahead of the winter games. Sochi is about 600 miles from Volgograd.

RT, which is reporting that 15 people are dead from the latest explosion, has a look at the aftermath of the trolley explosion:

No one has immediately claimed responsibility for either attack in Russia.


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