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Argentina Fans Are Mocking Neymar's Injury With A Plastic Spinal Column

Jul 7, 2014, 21:48 IST

Daily Motion


Some Argentine soccer fans were caught on video mocking Neymar, the Brazilian striker who will miss the remainder of the World Cup with a broken vertebrae suffered in his team's 2-1 quarterfinal win over Colombia. They're even holding a plastic spinal column, hoisting it in the air as they sing.

Although their chant is a cruel one, it should be noted that other Argentines, most notably Lionel Messi and Argentine manager Alejandro Sabella, both spoke out and offered the Brazilian #10 their sympathies.

Brazil plays Germany in on Tuesday, while Argentina will face the Netherlands in the other semifinal on Thursday.

Here's the full video (via Yahoo!)


Argentinos debocham da coluna de Neymar by Genizah

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