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Apple's new 'spaceship' campus is powered by 100% renewable energy and has over 9,000 trees

Sep 12, 2017, 23:07 IST

Steve Kovach/Business Insider

Apple CEO Tim Cook showed off the company's new 'spaceship' campus on Tuesday with the opening of Steve Jobs Theater. It's the first time the public has seen inside the space.


"It's been built to reflect Apple's values for both technology and the environment," Cook said of the campus.

Here are some of the details he shared:

  • Apple Park is powered by 100% renewable energy
  • It sits on 175 acres of land
  • The campus has over 9,000 trees
  • It has a large on-site solar installation
  • In addition to being Apple's headquarters, the campus will have a visitor center with an augmented-reality experience where visitors can learn more about Apple Park.
  • It will also be home to an Apple retail store

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