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Apple's Design Guru Jony Ive Really Likes This $1,100 Lamp From A Famous Italian Designer

Oct 1, 2014, 22:44 IST

Getty ImagesJony Ive


Vogue magazine profiled Apple's design leader, Jony Ive.

In the profile, we get a sense of what things he likes. As one of the most influential designers in the world, it's always interesting to learn about what influences him.

According to the story, he likes suits from British tailor Thomas Mahon. He drives a Bently, an Aston Martin, or a Land Rover. He hates the design of American cars.

The thing that stood out the most to use was that he likes Castiglionis' Snoopy lamp. He also likes, "another Castiglioni that's a parabolic glass that sits quite low."


This is the Snoopy lamp on display at Sotheby's last year. This lamp shade is red since it was part of Ive's charity auction for Product Red. He made a custom version of the lamp. Normally, the lamp shade is black.

Getty Images/John Moore

You can buy the Snoopy lamp for $1,094 at Stardust.

The lamp was designed by Italian brothers Achille and Pier Castiglioni in 1967. The lamp shade was inspired by the Snoopy cartoon character. The base of the lamp is Italian marble. Stardust calls it, "one of the undisputed mid century modern lighting classics."

Here it is in black:


The other lamp Ive mentions is probably this one:


This lamp is the Taccia Lamp, designed by Achille in 1958. It sells for $2,995. The lamp is quite large, 21.25-inches tall. Stardust Modern, which sells the lamp says, "As far as classics go; the Flos Taccia lamp is the most beautiful lamp ever created."

It also quotes Castiglioni as saying, "We consider it the Mercedes of lamps, a symbol of success: perhaps because it looks like the shaft of a classical column."

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