Over the past few days, major PC companies have taken to Twitter to explain why their notebooks are better than Apple's newest device, as The Verge first spotted.
Lenovo, for instance, posted a few tweets about how its Yoga compares to the new MacBook:
WE SEE YOUR thin laptop (#SoLastYear) & raise you 3 modes, 2 USB ports & a higher-resolution touch display. pic.twitter.com/vm3K08YCpt
- Lenovo (@lenovo) March 10, 2015
@applebloggr Better than this? Hmm. Ever think about changing your handle to @Yogabloggr? #justsaying pic.twitter.com/CBxnxl331A
- Lenovo (@lenovo) March 10, 2015
Asus says its Zenbook is slimmer than the new MacBook:
ZenBook UX305 is even slimmer than the new Macbook. It's also about half the price. #Incredible pic.twitter.com/ATSENGVMIi
- ASUS North America (@ASUSUSA) March 11, 2015
Dell's new XPS 13 recieved rave reviews after it launched in early January, especially for its sharp, nearly border-less display. The company wants everyone to know how its screen compares to that of the new MacBook:
Our #DellXPS 13's virtually borderless infinity display has 5.7M pixels - that's 2M more than a 12" retina display. pic.twitter.com/mrT9uwo7C2
- Dell (@Dell) March 10, 2015