You can still buy Jawbone's UP Move pedometer, which can be worn on the wrist or clipped on to your clothing, but its UP24 band has been removed. The Mio wristband, which tracks your heart rate, is also still currently available on Apple's website.
The removal of these items comes just about a month before the Apple Watch will be available for preorder. The move seems to make sense - before, these fitness bands were sold as accessories to the iPhone. Now, however, Apple has its own wearable accessory, including one model called the Watch Sport that's geared towards fitness.
This isn't new for Apple either; the company already removed Fitbit's gadgets from its stores last fall following the Apple Watch announcement. After Apple acquired Beats Music for $3 million at the end of 2014, it yanked Bose headphones from its stores just before the holiday season.
The Apple Watch, which officially launches on April 24, comes with a variety of sensors that track your health, such as a heart rate sensor and an accelerometer. The watch will come with Apple's health apps, which tell you when you've been sitting for too long, tracks how many calories you've burned, and monitors how far you've walked or run among other things. Preorders start on April 10.