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Apple Buys A Startup That Made A Universal TV Guide Application

Aug 14, 2013, 18:12 IST

Kevork Djansezian / Getty ImagesApple has made another small acquisition.


Tom Cheredar at VentureBeat reports Apple bought Matcha.tv, an iPhone app that provided an overview of video streaming options, aggregating what's available on Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, Amazon Prime, and Comcast's Xfinity. This way a user could find online videos across those services.

There's no definitive word on price. One source tells Cheredar it was $1.5 million, another source says it was higher than that.

The price isn't important, since it's likely peanuts for Apple. What is important is that it's buying a TV-focus company.

This technology could either be used to make the current Apple TV better, or when (if?) Apple releases a full-blown television, an app like this could improve the experience.


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