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Apparently Someone Tried To Get Andy Enfield's Model Wife To Do A Reality Show

Apparently Someone Tried To Get Andy Enfield's Model Wife To Do A Reality Show

amanda enfield

Elsa/Getty Images

USC unveiled coach Andy Enfield at a press conference in LA yesterday, and his suddenly famous wife Amanda was right by his side.

In a Q&A with reporters, Amanda — who is an ex-model who did shoots for Maxim and other publications — talked about the impossibility resuming her modeling career, Katherine Webb, and her newfound fame.

She also mentioned that someone pitched her on a reality show, but she'd never do it. Asked if she had gotten any calls to do TV or photoshoots, she said:

"There have been interview requests and something about a reality show, which petrified me, there's no way. But really that's it."

A reporter asked her if she would re-boot her modeling career now that she's in Los Angeles, but she said she's too old.

"Having three kids, I’m so busy with that and that comes first, absolutely. I don’t know. ... I'm 34 so I kind of think I'm a little too old for it anyway."

And finally someone asked her about Katherine Webb, who Amanda had to Google apparently:

"I had to find out who she was. ... I'm being compared to this person I want to know who it is."

Here's the full video:

