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App Alerts Israelis If They're About To Drive Into Trouble

Apr 26, 2013, 03:37 IST

via HTour.comA new app for Android is designed to alert Israelis when their car is approaching an a dangerous zone.


The app is called "Occupied" and currently available in the Google Play store.

From the app's site:

The app gives real-time voice warning to those approaching an area where stone-throwing occurs or there are Molotov cocktails, or any other dangerous event as reported by other users. It is also possible to receive a warning when you enter the Palestinian Authority areas.

The app uses an aggregate of news reports to identify possible danger areas, and then outlines those areas on a color-coded map. The app looks like any other smart-phone map, and it also lists possible isolated incidents, along with the source of the news (if the source is available).


The website sites a few incidents involving innocent people who inadvertently got caught in a maelstrom of violence.

At the time of the posting of this article the app-creator had not yet responded to email.

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