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Anyone Can Try The New, Unreleased Mac Operating System On July 24

Jul 23, 2014, 19:04 IST


Beginning Thursday, July 24, a public beta of Apple's new operating system for Mac will be available to the general public to try out.


OS X Yosemite features a fresh new design, flatter icons, translucent toolbars and windows, and plenty of increased integration with your iPhone and iPad.

It's important to note that the Yosemite Beta is exactly that, a beta, so there's always the chance for bugs and glitches to emerge. If you give the new operating system a try, it's a good idea to make sure you've backed up your computer first.

Not every feature promised for the consumer release of OS X Yosemite will be available in the public beta form, as many of the interconnectivity features are dependent upon the unreleased iOS 8 mobile operating system, which is slated for a fall release.

According to The Loop, Apple has included a handy "Feedback Assistant" app for reporting bugs and issues with the public beta.


The final version of OS X Yosemite will be available as a free download for many Mac computers in the fall.

Those with an Apple ID can sign up for the public beta here.

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