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Another poll shows Trump and Clinton in a dead heat nationally

Sep 15, 2016, 21:05 IST

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton holds a news conference on the airport tarmac in front of her campaign plane in White PlainsThomson Reuters

Support for Donald Trump continues to surge as Hillary Clinton faces increased scrutiny over her health and emails.


A New York Times/CBS News poll released on Thursday found the Republican and Democratic presidential nominees in a near dead heat nationally.

Clinton captured 46% of support among likely voters in the poll, and Trump scored 44%. When third-party candidates Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are added to the mix, Trump and Clinton tied at 42%.

The margin of error in the poll, which surveyed 1,433 registered voters from September 9 to 13, was three points.

For weeks after the party conventions in July, Clinton was beating Trump in the polls by wide margins. Political observers questioned how much appeal Trump would have with the broader voting base in the general election.


But it now seems that Trump is closing the gap.

Other polls released this week show Trump leading Clinton in key swing states and cutting into her lead nationally.

This election is unprecedented in that both candidates have record-high negativity ratings among voters. In the New York Times/CBS News poll, only 43% of likely voters said they're very enthusiastic about voting in November. Revealingly, 51% of likely Trump voters said they're enthusiastic about voting, while only 43% of likely Clinton voters said the same.

The polls came after a rocky weekend for Clinton. She abruptly left a 9/11 memorial service on Sunday after overheating related to previously undisclosed pneumonia, and on Saturday was forced to address a statement saying half of Trump supporters fell into a "basket of deplorables."

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