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Another Giant Android Phone Is Coming...

Jan 18, 2013, 21:08 IST

EngadgetLG is gearing up for a big year in mobile.


At the Consumer Electronics Show, the company teased that it'd be announcing a new device next month at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Now we have a good idea what that'll be.

Shots of LG's next-generation flagship Optimus G Pro have leaked on Engadget and the specs are pretty impressive.

To put things simply, it's going to be really fast, have an amazing camera, long battery life, and a huge HD screen.


Here are some of the key specs: a 1.7GHz Snapdragon processor, 13-megapixel camera, huge 3000mAH battery and the latest version of Android, Jellybean 4.1.

The biggest trend for smartphones in 2013 is huge screens, and it's something that industry leader Apple has failed to acknowledge.

All other phone manufacturers including, Samsung, Sony, HTC, Huawei, and now LG have realized that consumers want bigger screens for their phones, so expect to see even more devices with ~5-inch screens launch this year.

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