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Another Canadian University Is Under Fire For An Orientation Week Chant About Underage Sex

Another Canadian University Is Under Fire For An Orientation Week Chant About Underage Sex

University of British Columbia administrators are investigating a student-led cheer celebrating underage and non-consensual sex that allegedly has been part of the school's orientation week for years.

The UBC's campus paper - the Ubyssey - reported on Friday that one first year student Tweeted "An actual cheer at ubc" after writing, "Y-O-U-N-G at UBC we like em young Y is for yourrr sister O is for ohh so tight U is for under age N is for noo consent G is for goo to jail."

Last week also saw Saint Mary's University, another Canadian school, gain national attention for a video showing an orientation week chant that went, "SMU boys we like them young ... Y is for your sister, O is for oh so tight, U is for underage, N is for no consent, G is for grab that a**."

Student organizers at UBC said the chant had been used for as much as 20 years, but told the Ubyssey that they have worked recently to keep it private.

"We had problems a very long time ago with the cheers being public in a sort of way and the dean seeing ... We let the groups know: if it happens in the group, it has to stay in the group," one orientation week co-chair said.

A first year UBC student confirmed the secrecy of the chant to the Ubyssey, saying, "We sang it on the bus ... They specifically told us right before we cheered and everything that you can only cheer it on the bus and you can't go elsewhere and cheer it outside."

In a statement on the UBC website, the school said they would be launching an investigation into the chant, writing:

It has been reported that a chant endorsing non-consensual sex was recited on one or more buses taking students between events during FROSH orientation activities run by the UBC Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS).

This is of grave concern to all members of the UBC community. Such behaviour would be completely inconsistent with the values of UBC and the Sauder School of Business and completely inconsistent with the instruction that the Commerce Undergraduate Society receives on appropriate conduct prior to FROSH.


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