Animation Shows The Skyrocketing Rent In San Francisco
Rent in San Francisco is high.
Really, really high. The median rent for an apartment is more than $1,463 per month, which is higher than every other major city in the country.
Chris Rutherford at The Bold Italic talked to the folks at to gather data for San Francisco rent over the last three years. Then he created an awesome visual showing how the rent in each neighborhood has changed and how it will continue to change.
The Bold Italic / Chris Rutherford
We decided to break the numbers down by year, focusing on each December's rents/averages.
Let's take a look!
In December 2010, the average rent in San Francisco was $3005
The Bold Italic / Chris Rutherford
In December 2011, the average rent was a little lower at $2836
The Bold Italic / Chris Rutherford
But in 2012, it shot back up, hitting $3215The Bold Italic / Chris Rutherford
In 2013, it was up again by a little under $200The Bold Italic / Chris Rutherford
The data was pulled up until April 2014, just 30 days ago, and the rent is already higher.
The Bold Italic / Chris Rutherford
Three Years of San Francisco Rent Prices by Neighborhood from The Bold Italic on Vimeo.