REUTERS/Noor Khamis
Hiroshi Lockheimer, senior vice president of Android at Google, announced on Twitter on Thursday morning that the mobile operating system will be introducing a suite of new emoji next week. These include the unicorn, the lion, the crab - and more.
Because of the way Android works, the new emoji won't be available on all Android devices simultaneously. Google is going to make them available on its Nexus devices - its line of flagship smartphones - next week. It is also sharing the fonts and technical details with other manufacturers, and those companies will then be responsible for pushing out an update to customers' smartphones.
So unless you're using a Nexus device, how soon you get them depends on when Samsung, or LG, or HTC, or whatever smartphone company your device is made by gets around to releasing the update.
Look! New emoji coming to #Nexus next week. Fonts and tech details shared with OEMs to include in their updates too.
- Hiroshi Lockheimer (@lockheimer) December 3, 2015
@rjcc new keyboard, new font, new code, so new system image. Nexus will update next week. OEMs decide their own update schedules.
- Hiroshi Lockheimer (@lockheimer) December 3, 2015