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ANALYST: Apple is going to create an ultra-premium iPhone 7 with an amazing camera

Jan 27, 2016, 16:43 IST


Apple is going to update the camera on the iPhone 7 Plus to include dual lenses, according to a report from KGI Securities.


The new camera module will offer better pictures, according to the report, by capturing more image data. KGI also suggests that the new camera would allow for an optical zoom, a first for the iPhone.

The report goes on to say that Apple could keep the new lens for the iPhone 7 Plus, the larger model, and it may not even make it onto all Plus models.

In other words, Apple is going to create a premium version of the premium iPhone.

Apple has been rumoured to be looking at new camera technology for a while, according to supply chain reports. The camera on the iPhone is one of its best features and Apple has over 800 people working on it.


Apple announced that iPhone sales are slowing down after rapid growth, and one way to differentiate the new model could be the camera.

The new technology would work by taking two separate pictures and combining them into one. KGI expects around 30% of iPhones to be equipped with the new feature, but it is unclear how Apple will make the model stand out.

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