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An Online Sales Tax Could Be A Big Problem For Small Businesses

May 1, 2013, 21:42 IST
This is the second post in "10 Things You Need To Know In Small Business Right Now," a six-part series sponsored by Capital One Spark.

Here's what you need to know in small business today:

  • Consumer spending was up by 2% in March, despite economists' expectations that it wouldn't grow.
  • A law is moving towards passage in the Senate which would allow states to collect online sales tax. The bill, which could significantly impact small businesses, has a less clear path through the House of Representatives.
  • Small business owners have a mixed opinion about the state of the economy. 45% think the US economy is in a recovery, and 43% think it's in recession. Primary concerns are jobs and uncertainty about the federal budget.
  • A new startup from Harvard MBA students allows small businesses to hire students from the top business schools in the country as consultants, paid by the hour.
  • Why California is better for small (or any size) businesses than Texas, despite higher taxes.
  • Focusing everything on one big product launch can be a big mistake, says Everyme founder Vibhu Norby.
  • The founder of office real estate startup 42 Floors explains why he asks new employees to take a 2 week paid vacation on their first day.
  • What it takes to build a startup community like Silicon Valley.
  • The best way to motivate employees is by constantly making sure they know you see and benefit from their hard work.
  • Tips on hiring and managing remote workers from the founder of a small business where every employee works from home.
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