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An Ohio College Ran Out Of Dorm Rooms So Some Students Will Live At A Nearby Water Park

Aug 15, 2013, 20:11 IST

AP Photo/Steve HelberSome of the nicest college dorms in the country have study lounges, a communal kitchen, or maybe even a game room. However, a new housing option at one school is about to offer something no one else can: water slides.


A group of students at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio will be temporarily housed in an indoor water park this semester, a local news station reports. Due to high enrollment and a large demand for on-campus housing, the school had to look for alternative residences, a Capital spokesperson told 10TV.

While 30 students will call the Fort Rapids Indoor Water Park and Resort home for the beginning of the school year, the university expects about 50 beds to open up within the first few weeks of classes.

Until then, though, these lucky students will have free access to a water park that includes 40-foot high water slides, water basketball hoops, and a 30 person hot tub.

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