An Eye-Popping Number Of People Support The NRA's Plan To Put Armed Officers In Schools
The NRA faced heat after its press conference last month, in which it advocated the proposal — along with blaming the Newtown massacre on the media and violent video games and movies.
But as a blanket proposal, it's one of many favored to help curb the nation's ongoing rash of gun violence. Americans now support a wide variety of measures that look at restrictions on gun ownership, improving mental health, and increasing safety measures. The only popular, talked-about solution not favored by a majority is one to arm more teachers and school officials.
Here's a chart breaking it down:
On the question of putting more armed officers in schools, the results in the Pew poll differ sharply from a survey conducted by Public Policy Polling last week, which found a 41-50 split against the proposal.
It suggests that the NRA's name paired with the proposal — as it was laid out in the PPP poll — reduces support for the measure. In a Washington Post/ABC poll released today, 36 percent have a favorable view of the NRA, compared with 44 percent who view the organization unfavorably.
Most of the other items of support in the chart are measures that are not favored by the NRA and other pro-gun associations. On Sunday, NRA President David Keene predicted that an assault weapons ban wouldn't pass Congress.
The overall findings echo another poll released Monday, which was conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News.