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An Awkward Screenshot Of Donald Sterling Attending A Black Church Service

Jun 2, 2014, 20:29 IST


Days after the NBA effectively forced him to sell his team for making racist comments, Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling attended Sunday services at a black church in Los Angeles.


ABC7 in L.A. reports that Sterling was invited by Praises of Zion Missionary Baptist Church pastor JD Hardwick.

The pastor made an announcement about the owner, saying, "Stand up brother Sterling. I'm going to give you a round of applause. We love all God's children, regardless of your race, creed or color, and I want my friend to know we're praying for you."

Sterling got a round of applause, but one man was clearly not too pleased with his presence.

ABC7 got an 8-second video of the service. Everyone is smiling, except for the man on the far right.


Here's the screenshot. That is quite the glare:




Here's a GIF. He cracks zero smiles, but does clap:



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