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An Amazing Twitter Account Is Playing The Entirety Of 'Top Gun' Shot-By-Shot

Feb 5, 2014, 23:21 IST

via Twitter

Yes, that's Goose, everyone's favorite wingman from the iconic film Top Gun.


It's also screengrabbed from an embedded Tweet in a long line of Tweets that seem to be documenting the movie nearly frame by frame.

The handle, 555 µHz, seems to have been specially created for just this task - screengrabbing a subtitled version of the movie and posting the pics into a Twitter feed.

Following the account means watching the whole movie, one picture at a time.

Here's the unforgettable "birdie" scene.


Maverick can't fire on the MiG and cause an international incident.

But ...

Frame by frame ...

He can maneuver on him ...

And flip the birdie.


Say hi to the birdie!

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