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An Alabama Doctor Walked Six Miles Through Snow In Order To Perform Life-Saving Brain Surgery

Jan 30, 2014, 09:03 IST


The only brain surgeon at Trinity Medical Center in Birmingham, Ala. ended up walking approximately six miles through snow in order to perform a life-saving brain surgery for a patient suffering a traumatic brain injury, The Birmingham News reports.


Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw tried to make the drive, but a sudden snowstorm unfortunately produced a traffic nightmare.

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He was at one hospital in Birmingham, Alabama and was needed at a different hospital for an unexpected but lifesaving brain surgery. He was only able to drive for a few blocks before it became clear that he wouldn't be able to make the drive behind the wheel, so he walked the estimated six miles to the hospital and then performed the procedure.

While cellphone service was spotty, Hyrnkiw was heard by nurse Steve Davis as saying "I'm walking." After making the walk - with police unsuccessful in looking for him - he called back and asked the patient's status.


According to Davis, Hrynkiw then spoke to the family and performed the surgery.

"Without the surgery, the patient would have most likely died," Davis told AL.com.

Despite a light dusting of snow in the south on Tuesday, many cities were dealing with bad road conditions and terrible traffic. Some people had even abandoned their cars on the roads and slept in stores, according to CNN.

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