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Amy Schumer once again skewers politicians over gun control

Jun 24, 2016, 19:08 IST

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Ever since a deadly shooting at a showing of her movie "Trainwreck," Amy Schumer has been an outspoken gun control advocate.

Now, in the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Schumer released a cut sketch from her Comedy Central show, "Inside Amy Schumer," that takes on the issue once again. 

The fake TV commercial features a fictitious law firm that tries to help victims of gun control - but there's really nothing they can do.

"Hi, I'm Toby Shrak of the law firm of Shrak and Murphy - but don't call me, because there's nothing I can do," Shrak (played by H. Jon Benjamin) says.


Comedy Central

It also lampooned the sentiment that gun laws seem more in favor of manufacturers and gun owners than of victims of gun violence.

"I tried to sue the manufacturers of a hollow-tip bullet that was designed to inflict as much pain as possible, but current law makes it impossible to sue for damages. I even had to pay the ammo company's legal costs," one victim says.

This isn't the first time Schumer has taken on the topic. In 2015, she hosted "Saturday Night Live," and delivered a blistering sketch about guns. Earlier in June, it was announced that Schumer would be cutting a scene involving a gun from her upcoming movie. She's also fought for gun control in the halls of Congress.

"I am sickened by the cowardice of these people who are supposed to lead us," Schumer recently told POLITICO. "Their dedication seems to be only to dollar signs for their own pockets. In November, we will remember who stood with the gun lobby, rather than their constituents, as we mourned for Orlando."


Watch the sketch below:

Inside Amy Schumer

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