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Amsterdam is going to host the world's first 'drone circus'

Feb 16, 2015, 20:56 IST

We're officially living in the future: Amsterdam is set to host the world's first "drone circus," the Guardian reports.


It's called AIR 2015, and the Royal Netherlands Air Force is helping organise it. It will be "the first ever drone entertainment show in the world," the event's website says. "In this high energy and explosive show, drones will take centre stage to bring a collaboration and fusion of music, video, projections and special effects. AIR allows you to experience a variety of ballet and battles, races and lasers, circus illusions and most of all magic from hundreds of drones."

According to a promotional video, it's going to feature "ballet & battles":

There will also be "races & lasers."


Here's the trailer:

NOW WATCH: A Drone Flew Inside A Fireworks Show And Captured Spectacular Video Of The Explosions Up Close

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