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America's Trust In Obama's Handling Of The Economy Is Tumbling

Paul Szoldra   

America's Trust In Obama's Handling Of The Economy Is Tumbling

Barack Obama approval rating


Less than two months since his second inauguration, President Barack Obama's approval rating has dipped to 50 percent, down from 54 percent in December 2012, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll.

And on economic issues, Obama's drop has been even worse.

The Washington Post reports:

In December, just after he won a second term, Obama held an 18-percentage-point advantage over congressional Republicans on the question of whom the public trusted more to deal with the economy. Now, it’s a far more even split — 44 percent to 40 percent, with a slight edge for the president — but the share of those saying they have confidence in “neither” has ticked up into double digits.

In general, the poll's respondents expressed growing dissatisfaction with the way things are going in Congress. Only 16 percent of voters approving of the job Congress is doing. Voters gave Congressional Democrats a 34 percent approval rating (down from 39 in December), while Congressional Republicans have only a 24 percent approval rating (down from 25).

In the run-up to the sequester, which hit every level of the federal government with across-the-board budget cuts, Republicans and Democrats worked hard to point the finger of blame. According to the poll, it seems that the blame game has worked in favor of the President, with only 33 percent holding him responsible and 47 percent laying blame at the Republicans in Congress.

A majority of respondents — 53 percent — disapprove of those cuts, with only 39 percent approving.

You can see the full results of the poll here.


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