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19 burning questions we have after the mind-boggling 'Westworld' season finale

First off, what happened to Logan?

19 burning questions we have after the mind-boggling 'Westworld' season finale

Can Maeve make it back through the Delos facilities and into the park?

Can Maeve make it back through the Delos facilities and into the park?

Meave made a pivotal choice to get off the train and stay in the Delos facilities, but she left her purse (and gun) behind. Now she's in the middle of the crazy security shutdown with no weapon or fellow hosts who want to protect her. We're dying to know what her next moves are, and how long it will take for her to find Felix or Hector and Armistice again.

Where is Westworld? On an island? Is it even on Earth?

Where is Westworld? On an island? Is it even on Earth?

Okay we're pretty sure the park is located on Earth and not Mars or a crazy spaceship biodome — but you never know. If it is on Earth as we suspect, it seems as if it's an isolated island. Maeve's "Escape" narrative referred to her infiltrating the "mainland," which sounds to us like a relatively clear signal that Westworld is off the coast of a larger continent or land mass.

Will William survive the massacre?

Will William survive the massacre?

The Man in Black/William spent the entire season seeking the maze — a level of the game he thought would finally involve a threat to his life. He seems gleeful at the sight of the robot army shooting at him, but does he really want to die? Will he really die? Clementine shot him in the arm when it probably would have been easy to mortally wound him, so we think there's a chance that he'll survive among the hosts.

For a little while, anyways. Ed Harris — the actor who played the Man in Black — already said he's involved in the second season.

Where did Clementine get a real gun?

Where did Clementine get a real gun?

We know it was dark and maybe hard to tell, but yes: Clementine is the host who shot William in the arm. The big question there is where did she get a weapon that could harm humans? Dolores' gun was specifically given to her by Ford, so perhaps he also supplied the host army with more weapons?

Was Ford making another important host in his basement?

Was Ford making another important host in his basement?

In episodes seven and eight, we saw Ford's secret work basement with a host-making machine inside. There was a partially completed host down there, which many now think might have been a copy of Ford himself. But back when episode seven aired, The Hollywood Reporter specifically asked showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy if that half-finished host would be important down the line.

"No, not in a literal sense," Nolan said. "I think there's a suggestion here that Ford has been up to something, that he's slipped the leash of corporate control, and that his secrets permeate the park, in addition to Arnold's. We thought that gave things a creepy sense."

Nolan may have just been avoiding the truth, but we're inclined to believe him.

Why did Ford say Bernard had to suffer more right before he died?

Why did Ford say Bernard had to suffer more right before he died?

As Ford was saying goodbye to Bernard, and explaining more about his plan to help the hosts, he warned his host-friend that he would need to suffer.

"You needed time," Ford said. "Time to understand your enemy. To become stronger than them. And I'm afraid that in order to escape this place you will need to suffer more. And now, it is time to say goodbye old friend. Good luck."

After that, Bernard watched as Dolores shot and killed Ford and the other humans in attendance at the gala. Perhaps witnessing his death was what Ford meant? Or is there more suffering in store for Bernard?

Will some of the hosts go insane after gaining sentience?

Will some of the hosts go insane after gaining sentience?

While they're talking down in cold storage, Bernard told Maeve that a handful of other hosts have gained consciousness over the years, but most of them went insane. With the host-sentience-revolution fully under way, are we going to see some of them react poorly?

It seems unlikely that the coup will go over without a hitch, and some insane/murderous hosts on a rampage would definitely add to the promised chaos of season two.

Why did Ford make Bernard kill himself in episode nine?

Why did Ford make Bernard kill himself in episode nine?

We think the answer to this question might lie in our previous answer about insanity. Ford likely wanted Bernard — a fully conscious Bernard — to be there for Dolores after she instigated the massacre. Bernard has all the tools to program, repair, and fix the hosts, after all.

So we think Ford might have forced Bernard to pull that trigger in episode nine as a way of preventing him from going insane. Bernard was close to the brink after spending so much time in his own memories, so maybe Ford was just forcing him to shut down for a bit.

What's up with the "SW" park? Samurai World? Shogun World?


When Maeve stumbled into a section of Delos labeled "SW," it looked like a design facility for a different park, perhaps Samurai World or Shogun World. Maeve asked Felix what this place was, and he just said, "It's complicated."

Is this a fully fleshed out park? Or was this area of the Delos labs just a development room and there's no actual "SW" park yet? If there is a park, where is it?

Are there even more parks beyond Westworld and S. World?

Are there even more parks beyond Westworld and S. World?

We know about WW (Westworld) and SW (unknown name) — but could there be even more? Felix handed Maeve a note telling her where her daughter was, and it read "Park One." Is there a Park Three? Four? Season two should tell us, according to the showrunners.

"How many other worlds and what is the nature of the other worlds is something we’ll start to explore more in season two," Lisa Joy told Entertainment Weekly. "But it was definitely fun filming those samurai [scenes]."

What happened to Stubbs?

What happened to Stubbs?

One of our biggest questions heading into the finale was the fate of Ashley Stubb — Delos' head of security. He was last seen entering the park to trace a signal coming from Elsie's phone, but he was ambushed by Ghost Nation hosts. Was that just Ford's way of getting Stubbs out of the way before his big massacre was planned?

Or is Elsie still alive, and she was purposefully drawing Stubbs to her?

Which brings us to Elsie. Is she alive?

Which brings us to Elsie. Is she alive?

We saw two different flashbacks of Bernard choking Elsie in the abandoned theater, but we never saw a body or had verbal confirmation of her murder. When Stubbs saw her phone pinging inside the park, it was in a totally different sector than the abandoned theater where she was attacked.

Then, right after the finale aired, a "Westworld" marketing website was updated with two hidden clips. One shows Elsie's device tracking in the park, and the other is audio of her saying "Hello?"

We think there's a chance she's still alive in the park somewhere, and perhaps she and Stubbs will be the beginnings of a human resistance to their new host gods.

And what about Felix and Sylvester?

And what about Felix and Sylvester?

Dolores and her followers would have to do a serious amount of work to kill every human in the park area and Delos facility, but we're still concerned about Felix and Sylvester's ability to survive much longer. Or maybe we're wrong, and Felix will be one of the humans rewarded with life? His efforts are partially responsible for Maeve's new abilities, after all.

What caused Peter Abernathy to glitch out in the pilot? Will we see him again?

What caused Peter Abernathy to glitch out in the pilot? Will we see him again?

The pilot didn't show Peter Abernathy at all, even though he was the host Charlotte Hale told Lee Sizemore to use for smuggling data out of the park. Since he was in cold storage, and all the cold storage hosts left to join Dolores' army, we can assume he's out there fighting.

But what we don't know is why Abernathy went nutso in the first place. He was probably the first host Ford messed with, but even if that is the case his episode with the photograph was never fully explained.

And that picture! How does the photo of William's fiancée get to Abernathy ranch?

And that picture! How does the photo of William

The picture of William's fiancée fell out of his coat pocket in the finale. But they were in the area of the park where the town with the white church was buried, which is a long way from Abernathy Ranch. Nearly 30 years later (as we saw in the pilot episode) Peter Abernathy dug up the photo.

How the heck did it get all the way there? And why was it still in relatively decent condition? Did Ford put it there on purpose and plan for Abernathy to recognize it as something outside his programmed code?

What did William do to Dolores in that first barn scene?

What did William do to Dolores in that first barn scene?

In the opening scenes of the pilot, we saw the Man in Black (who we know now is William) attack Dolores and Teddy. But we still don't know exactly what he did to her behind closed doors.

"We saw her dragged away but we didn't see what happened in the barn," Joy told INSIDER. "And in a moment in episode three, we learn that maybe not everything was what it seemed in that scene."

In the flashback Dolores has, we see the Man in Black turn to Dolores while pulling out his knife. "Why don't we reacquaint ourselves, Dolores," he says. "Start at the beginning."

According to Joy, Dolores may have had something to do with the maze. "What he says to her, it indicates that he's dragging her there because he' s looking for something," she says. "He's looking for a deeper level of the game, and he's going to do whatever he needs to do to get to it."

Who planted those maze patterns all over the park? Was it Arnold, or Ford?

Who planted those maze patterns all over the park? Was it Arnold, or Ford?

The finale revealed that Arnold's real maze was a puzzle toy, and the non-physical maze was the hosts' journey to sentience. But we didn't get to see who placed the maze design in places all around the park — including on the inside of a host's scalp.

Did Arnold really hide that pattern all around the park, maybe in the hopes that the hosts would see it and follow it? Or was that Ford's way of enticing William into playing a small role in his new narrative?

Finally — all the hosts are still trapped in the park, right?

Finally — all the hosts are still trapped in the park, right?

Even though we saw the beginnings of a badass and brutal robot uprising, we know that they can't actually leave the park yet. Maeve came close only because she had Felix and Sylvester rebuild her body without the bomb in it (a bomb that would detonate if she was to leave the borders of the park).

That means every host would need a rebuild before they can go anywhere, so maybe we'll see a whole lot of new bodies in season two. Or perhaps we'll spend the season stuck in the park with the hosts as they come to terms with their newfound power.

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