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Alex Ovechkin To Everyone Making Fun Of The Sochi Hotels: 'Settle Down'

Alex Ovechkin To Everyone Making Fun Of The Sochi Hotels: 'Settle Down'

alex ovechkin

Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Russian hockey player Alex Ovechkin thinks Sochi is being unfairly criticized for its lack of preparedness for the Olympics.

In a press conference on Thursday, Ovechkin said that reporters are giving Russia tougher treatment than they did Torino in 2006, even though construction work was ongoing in that city as well.

His message: Just settle down.

Here's what he said (via the Washington Post):

"I've been in three Olympic games. I remember Turin and Vancouver and nobody said something bad about Vancouver and Turin. Why you guys always try to find some bad things in Sochi? Sometimes it's just funny to see how people try to find - they have lights in the toilets or they have bathroom on tour.

"It's Olympics, guys, come on. Everybody have to be enjoy and don't find bad stuff out there. Everything in Turin was where the construction was and nobody say [anything] about that. Of course world is changing, everybody is focusing on different stuff, political stuff but just settle down."

Sochi finished the vast majority of infrastructure. The venues and Olympic Park all look fine. But for whatever reason they saved the media hotels for last - meaning the people being confronted with horror stories of incompetence are the same people who can broadcast it to the world.

Still, those horror stories are pretty ridiculous, and much worse than anything from Vancouver or Torino.


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