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After Being Removed For Porn, Photo-Sharing App 500px Is Back In Apple's App Store

After Being Removed For Porn, Photo-Sharing App 500px Is Back In Apple's App Store

500px photo app


Apple has approved a new version of the photo-sharing app 500px after removing it last week because the app reportedly made it easy to find pornographic images.

The Verge first noticed the that 500px is back in the App Store.

500px's COO Evgeny Tchebotarev told us yesterday that the app was resubmitted to Apple on Friday with tweaks that made it more difficult for users to find nude or pornographic photos. Tchebotarev said Apple suggested making the tweaks.

Apple's App Store guidelines prohibit apps that make it easy to find user-generated pornographic content.

Yesterday, Twitter's new video-sharing app called Vine briefly showed a hardcore pornographic video to all users. Twitter says it was "human error" that caused the video to be featured. The video has since been removed.

Vine also began blocking search terms that made it easy for users to find pornographic videos. However, there are still plenty of pornographic videos on Vine, and they are very easy to find.

That seems to clash with Apple's policy, yet Vine is still available for download in the App Store.

Don't Miss: There's A Big Disconnect In Apple's Anti-Porn Policy >


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