scorecardThe Best Commercial Spokescharacters Of All Time
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The Best Commercial Spokescharacters Of All Time

23 percent of respondents want to see more of the M&M's characters.

The Best Commercial Spokescharacters Of All Time

26 percent of respondents want more of the T-Mobile Girl, who went from girl in pink to bad girl in biker gear.

26 percent of respondents want more of the T-Mobile Girl, who went from girl in pink to bad girl in biker gear.

Awareness: 16 percent

Appeal: 47 percent

28 percent of respsondents want more of Twinkie the Kid.

28 percent of respsondents want more of Twinkie the Kid.

Awareness: 14 percent

Appeal: 46 percent

Don't remember him?  Here's an ad from 1985:

28 percent of respondents want to see more of Smokey the Bear.

28 percent of respondents want to see more of Smokey the Bear.

Awareness: 43 percent

Appeal: 53 percent

29 percent of respondents want to see more of the Coca-Cola polar bears.

29 percent of respondents want to see more of the Coca-Cola polar bears.

Awareness: 39 percent

Appeal: 61 percent

30 percent of respondents want to see more Snoopy for Met Life.

30 percent of respondents want to see more Snoopy for Met Life.

Awareness: 62 percent

Appeal: 71 percent

33 percent of respondents want more of the original band.

33 percent of respondents want more of the original band.

Awareness: 13 percent

Appeal: 53 percent

33 percent of respondents want to see more of the E*Trade baby.

33 percent of respondents want to see more of the E*Trade baby.

Awareness: 26 percent

Appeal: 58 percent

34 percent of respondents want to see more of Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man in the World.

34 percent of respondents want to see more of Dos Equis

Awareness: 16 percent

Appeal: 57 percent

35 percent of respondents want to see more of the Budweiser Clydesdales.

35 percent of respondents want to see more of the Budweiser Clydesdales.

Awareness: 27 percent

Appeal: 67 percent

And the winner is ... Allstate's Mayhem. It turns out that 36 percent of respondents want to see more of the insurance bad boy.

And the winner is ... Allstate

Awareness: 29 percent

Appeal: 60 percent

You've seen the the spokescharacters America loves...

