Why brands like Anheuser-Busch are taking more advertising in-house
Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Carlos BritoJASPER JACOBS/AFP/Getty Images
Here are the top media and advertising stories from Business Insider for August 11.

Why brands like Anheuser-Busch are taking more advertising in-house

Here are the top media and advertising stories from Business Insider for August 11.

Hi! Welcome to the Insider Advertising daily for August 11. I'm Lauren Johnson, a senior advertising reporter at Business Insider. Subscribe here to get this newsletter in your inbox every weekday. Send me feedback or tips at ljohnson@businessinsider.com

Today's news: Marketers bet on in-housing, how much adtech companies pay employees, and sponsored content for travel brands returns.

Big brands like Anheuser-Busch and Verizon are taking more of their advertising in-house amid the pandemic, and it's adding to the troubles of struggling ad agencies

Read the full story here.

Adtech salaries revealed: How much The Trade Desk, Roku and others pay employees, from software engineers to product managers

Read the full story here.

Why brands like Anheuser-Busch are taking more advertising in-house
Phuket, ThailandDay2505/Shutterstock

Sponsored travel content from influencers has rebounded 34% from its April low. But controversy has come with it.

Read the full story here.

More stories we're reading:

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow! You can reach me in the meantime at ljohnson@businessinsider.com and subscribe to this daily email here.

— Lauren