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Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch Leaves For A New Job At Apple

Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch Leaves For A New Job At Apple

Kevin Lynch adobe cto moving to apple


Kevin Lynch.

Kevin Lynch, Adobe's CTO, has left the company for a job at Apple.

An Apple spokesperson confirmed the hire to AllThingsD. Lynch will be Apple's vice president of technology and report to Bob Mansfield.

Mansfield is Apple's hardware boss, so it's interesting that a software guy like Lynch will be reporting to him.

Adobe also confirmed the move in a statement, and wished Lynch well at his new gig:

Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO, is leaving the company effective March 22 to take a position at Apple. We will not be replacing the CTO position; responsibility for technology development lies with our business unit heads under the leadership of Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen. Bryan Lamkin, who has recently returned to Adobe, will assume responsibilities for cross company research and technology initiatives as well as Corporate Development. We wish Kevin well in this new chapter of his career.

Apple could use someone with Lynch's resume. Cloud computing and online services are two very weak areas at the company.

As Gizmodo points out, Lynch has said some bad things about Apple in the past, especially when the two companies were battling it out over allowing Flash to run on iPhones and iPads.


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