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People were excited to hear the latest from the British songstress, but possibly nobody is as excited as singer Lionel Richie, who is enjoying a resurgence thanks to his 1984 track by the same name.
Since Adele's song was released, streams of Richie's "Hello" are up by 50% on Spotify, a representative told Tech Insider.
Online, there have been plenty of jokes and comments comparing the two tracks.This Twitter user "can't help but sing Lionel Richie" when she hears Adele's new track. She's probably not alone, given Richie's recent Spotify spike. Lots of people where combining the lyrics from the two songs, as though it was Richie who Adele was calling on her flip phone in the new music video.
Richie seems to be in on the joke too. On Instagram, the singer posted a video clip that mashes up his "Hello" music video with Adele's.
Currently, Richie's "Hello" is just over 19 million plays on Spotify, while Adele's rings in around 17.5. Of course, it's likely that Adele's song will surpass Richie's with time, given that her track has only been out a few days. Though, it doesn't look like we should say goodbye to Richie's "Hello" just yet. "We've definitely got to do something, me and Lionel," Adele told the BBC when they asked the singer about a potential "Hello-Off" with Richie.