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Aaron Sorkin says his 'conscience is clear' over the new Steve Jobs movie

Oct 19, 2015, 18:00 IST

Huffington Post

Aaron Sorkin, the man behind the upcoming "Steve Jobs" movie, has said that his "conscience is clear" over the portrayal of the Apple cofounder, The Guardian reports.


Speaking at the European premiere of the film, Sorkin told press that a certain level of "dramatisation" had to occur for it to be successful. Sorkin has previously described the work as a "painting, not a photograph."

"Steve Jobs did not, as far as I know, have confrontations with the same six people 40 minutes before every product launch," Sorkin said. "That is plainly a writer's conceit. But I do think that the movie gets at some larger truths, some more important truths than what really went on during the 40 minutes before product launches, which I don't think was the stuff of drama."

"What you see is a dramatisation of several personal conflicts that he had in his life," he continued. "And they illustrate something, they give you a picture of something. Are they fair? I do believe they're fair. My conscience is clear."

The film has come under fire, especially from those who knew Jobs at Apple. Sorkin based the work on "Steve Jobs," the official biography by Walter Isaacson who was given unprecedented access, but many see the book as misjudging its subject. Eddy Cue, senior vice president for internet software and services, described Sorkin's film as "inaccurate and mean-spirited."


"Steve Jobs" has made around $2.3 million (£1.5 million) at the Box Office on a budget of $30 million (£19.4 million).

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