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A Uruguay Fan Hilariously Trolled Everyone About Luis Suarez

Jun 29, 2014, 04:35 IST

During Uruguay's World Cup match against Italy on Tuesday, star forward Luis Suarez appeared to bite one of his opponents on the shoulder.


Suarez claims he just lost his balance, but FIFA banned him for four months nonetheless.

And on Saturday, when Uruguay matched up against Colombia, one fan wouldn't let everyone forget about the incident.

We aren't sure whether wanted to call out Suarez - or intimidate Colombia. Either way, it's hilarious.

We saw the photo on the Twitter feed of Rob Harris, a UK-based sports reporter for the Associated Press.


In all fairness, Suarez does have a history of bad behavior. To make matters worse, Colombia beat Uruguay 2-0 and will advance to play Brazil in the quarter-finals.

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