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A Ukrainian Billionaire Oligarch Is Selling His Unreal 6 Story NYC Townhouse For $22 Million

Apr 3, 2013, 00:04 IST

Street EasyAlexander Rovt made his $1.2 billion fortune selling fertilizer, and he's parlayed some of that wealth to make serious investments in NYC real estate.


Take his Upper East Side townhouse, for example.

According to Forbes, Rovt sank $27 million into the home, including a recent $18 million reservation. It's just one of 35 properties he has in NYC (at last count) including the 30-room, 18,267-square-foot Sloane Mansion on East 68th Street.

It's the purchase of the Sloane Mansion that prompted Rovt to sell this smaller house. Not to say that this 6 story, 11,400 square foot townhouse is anything to sneeze at. It boasts five bedrooms, a full gym and sauna, a pool, and five outdoor spaces.

The property was first put on the market for $27 million last year, but since then the price has been chopped to $22 million. Not only that, but the listing changed hands from Matthew Lesser at Leslie J. Garfield to Pamela Marcus and Leighton Candler at Corcoran.


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