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A Trader Is Selling His Gorgeous NYC Penthouse Condo With An Infinity Pool For $24 Million

Jan 10, 2013, 02:39 IST

Brown Harris StevensAndrew Ellingson Beck III, managing director at D.E. Shaw Securities, has listed his luxurious duplex condo (complete with penthouse) in Tribeca for $24 million, according to Curbed.


Beck originally bought the condo, which has 4 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms, for under $6 million in 2004. The condo takes up over 6,000 square feet, and includes a spiral staircase, an infinity pool with waterfall, an elevator, and stunning views of lower Manhattan.

Liz Dworkin of Brown Harris Stevens is the real estate agent associated with this property, which she describes as "a rare combination of move-in comfort and super star elegance."

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