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A Tour de France cyclist burns 6,071 calories a day - here's how many Chipotle burritos that is

Jul 11, 2016, 21:14 IST

On July 2nd cyclists from around the world began the 103rd Tour de France, the prestigious three-week stage race - or "grand tour" - that happens to be the world's largest annual sporting event. All told, that's 2,197 miles of pedaling for this year's race.


Each day participants ride, on average, about 100 miles and burn some 6,071 calories, according to Inside Science, a science news site run by the American Institute of Physics.

To give you a better idea of just how many calories that is, we've teamed up with the folks at Inside Science, which originally calculated how many jelly donuts you'd have to eat to generate enough energy to keep up with a Tour de France cyclist on race day. Turns out it's 32!

Here are some more popular foods, and how many of each you'd have to eat to compete. Of course this is not what Tour de France cyclists actually eat while competing!

Skye Gould/Business Insider


NOW WATCH: The cycling world can't stop talking about this new superfast bike going into the Tour de France

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