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A Sick Mother Had An 'Awesome' Dream About Her Son Getting Into Princeton - A Few Weeks Later It Came True

Apr 4, 2014, 20:09 IST


All-Central New York high school football player Mitch Dunay has one of the best college football recruiting stories of the year.


Dunay was finally accepted to Princeton on March 27.

The news came after a long process that involved losing 20 pounds to turn himself in a legitimate football prospect, taking the ACT four times to earn the necessary score, and enduring the death of his mother, Bonnie, from brain cancer.

This January, when it looked like Mitch wouldn't have high enough test scores to get into Princeton, Bonnie had a premonition that her son would somehow get accepted, according to a great Syracuse.com article about the Dunay family by Donnie Webb.

Bonnie told her husband and son about the premonition at breakfast one morning, saying (via Syracuse.com):


"I had this dream last night that Mitchell got accepted to Princeton, and it was awesome."

She died a few weeks later, on January 24.

In February Mitch, who lives in Syracuse, went to Pennsylvania to take the ACT for the fourth time. Based on the Princeton's athlete admission standards, he needed a score of 27 to get in. In his previous three attempts, his high score was a 26.

He ended up getting a 28.

The whole story (which you should really read in its entirety) is a testament to the value of hard work.


Mitch started his senior season without any interest from big colleges. He ended it with an offer from Princeton. He started the standardized test process with inadequate scores. He ended it with scores good enough to get into one of the best schools in the country.

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