Oh, Canada.
Ontario burger restaurant The Works has a new special on its menu: the Reese PBC. It's a hamburger -you know, ground beef - stuffed with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Candy.
Here's a look at the strange sandwich. You can see the cups oozing out of the burger in the picture.
The burger is also topped off with chocolate and peanut butter.
Just 'cause we're nuts, we're celebrating #NationalNutDay by stuffing & stacking our Reese PBC with @ReesesPBCups pic.twitter.com/rFiUCZgBW5
- The WORKS (@WORKSBURGER) October 22, 2015
Here's how people have been reacting to the $12 burger.
a burger with Reeses in it i'm going to skip over that
- ChickFilA Concubine (@EatWithNia) October 23, 2015
in a Canadian burger chain, they have a hamburger with pulled pork and reeses peanut butter cups in it...I'd probably try it.
- Jessi Sheron (@JessiSheron) October 27, 2015
@samgw94 the article was just about a restaurant that has a burger stuffed with Reeses.Still can't eat it tho cause burgers cause cancer now
- Samantha Wyss (@samgw94) October 27, 2015