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A New Site Called 'Stitch' Is A Less Slimy Tinder For Seniors

Jun 5, 2014, 03:56 IST

Flickr / Paul Kelly

While Tinder's maximum age tops out at "55+," people of all ages are looking to meet someone new. The team behind Tapestry, the Atlantic reports, is rolling out a new app to help senior singles mingle: Stitch.


Tapestry's goal is to connect less techy seniors with their own family members. While doing research for that project, founder and CEO Andrew Dowling found that an enormous problem older adults were experiencing across the board was finding companions their own age, Vice reports.

"Believe it or not, for seniors loneliness is a bigger killer than smoking or obesity," Dowling told Vice.

While Tapestry couldn't exactly fix this problem, Dowling and his team took to building a product that could. Stitch was born, and is now privately beta testing in the Bay Area with plans for official release in the next few months.

Realistically, the similarities between Stitch and Tinder are few. Both work to avoid unsolicited contact and show you matches in your area, but that's about all. Everything else about Stitch is meant to skew toward things older adults prefer and millennials don't, like talking on the phone, Vice reports.


According to the Stitch website, "Stitch doesn't let you filter out potential matches based on superficial information like their eye color," which could possibly be the least Tinder-like statement possible, proving that the two are quite different after all.

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