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A new app called 'Vote With Me' lets you see the voting record and political party of every contact in your phone

A new app called 'Vote With Me' lets you see the voting record and political party of every contact in your phone

Voting booth

Matthew Cavanaugh/Getty Images

A new app wants to help get out the word to vote in the upcoming midterm elections - but there's one feature that could feel a little invasive.

The app, called Vote With Me, provides helpful information about the elections taking place in your district, lets you know whether a race is tight, and shows you how to prepare for Election Day.

But the app also pulls your voter registration and voting record, and that same information from anyone in your phone's contacts, allowing you to see which political party your friends are registered with.

The point of this, Vote With Me says, is so that you can reach out to friends who are registered in states and districts with important races and encourage them to vote.

The app isn't doing anything nefarious - all that information is public record, and all Vote With Me is doing is linking that information to the names you gave it access to. The app says it doesn't sell any of the information that you give it, or reach out to those contacts. After the election is over, the app says, it will permanently delete all of the information.

Still, Vote With Me is providing a window into your friends', family's, and coworkers' voting habits, and reveals information you probably wouldn't have found out otherwise.

So if you're feeling nosy - or just nobly want to get out the word about voting - here's how to use Vote With Me:

