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A Nevada State Senator Came Out During A Gay Marriage Debate On The Floor

Apr 24, 2013, 03:44 IST

APIn emotional testimony on the Nevada Senate floor Monday, State Sen. Kelvin Atkinson (D-Las Vegas) revealed for the first time publicly that he is gay, a move that helped push lawmakers to repeal the state's constitutional ban on gay marriage, the Las Vegas Sun reports.


After describing his father's interracial marriage which was at one time banned, Atkinson said, "we're still talking about equality. We're still talking about something that we shouldn't really be talking about anymore."

"I'm 44 years old. I have a daughter. I'm black. I'm gay," said an emotional Atkinson. "I have dealt with a lot of what folks are talking about and I know [for] some of you this is the first time hearing me say that, that I am a black gay male."

The final vote on Senate Joint Resolution 13 was split along party lines, with only one Republican joining Democrats in favor of repeal.

You can watch Atkinson's testimony below:


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